
TRUSS4 Software

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This section provides the option to select the default cutting method for details, which is always applied to new constructions. In the upper left corner there is a predefined list of details, the editing itself is done in a separate window after pressing the "Edit" button. The following details are available:

Eaves detail

  • the eaves detail is the end of the bottom chord, which is linked to either the edge vertical or the rafter.

Upper detail

  • this is the joint where the edge vertical meets the top chord

Hip detail

  • The hip detail corresponds to the joint between the horizontal and inclined top chord

Web cutting mode

  • this is a continuous joint on the top or bottom chords to which the webs are connected. It is possible to affect the orientation of the cut between the webs or the number of cuts on the webs

Interrupted waist style

  • ending the bottom chord within the span of the truss, where the web joins the bottom chord

Web cutting mode for small angles

  • this detail allows to choose a different way of cutting the webs if at least one web is connected to the chord at a small angle. The option to select a different cutting method and the value of the limiting angle are entered in the frame under the "Edit" button. This setting primarily limits the presence of long cuts in the structure, which can occur on webs in these cases.

These settings are only used by the program when creating a new joint. Changing the parameters does not affect existing joints.

Part "Details"

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